Beauville +33 (0)5 53 47 92 30
Lauzerte +33 (0)5 63 95 34 09

The Wheeler Diaries

Keep up-to-date with our musings about property and life in France

Wheeler’s 2-minute guide to the buying process in France

Guide to the buying process in France
You’ve done the research, come over on buying trips and finally you’ve found the house of your dreams! Where do you go from there? Making an Offer The n...

Six essential tips to prepare your home for eye-catching professional photography

Prepare your home for eye-catching professional photography
When it comes to selling your home, a picture truly is worth a thousand words. In today’s digital age, professional photography plays a pivotal role in attracting potential buyers and making a l...

Wheelers are expanding!

No, I’m not talking about our waistlines after the busy summer social season…but the opening of our new office in Lauzerte this year! Right in the centre of the town, at 1 rue du Marché, it’s been lov...

A room with a view

Room with a view
We are constantly amazed at the locations we visit in premium surroundings with postcard views. We realise that we do exactly the same thing where, if you don’t remind yourself of the alternative, you...

♫ The autumn leaves, drift by the window ♫

I wonder if the writer of this song ever came to the Lot-et-Garonne?  There’s certainly material to work with here as summer changes to autumn in the blink of an eye!  Years ago when we first arrived ...

New projects

This week has been busy with visits with a client who lives in the UK who is looking to move to the south west.  The visit to one of our properties where the house is ready to move in to but has a bar...

C’est la Rentrée

This week is « La rentrée » or Back to School week…back to early morning school bus runs for us.  The French countryside around here is very well served for school buses and school hours fit in with w...

Garage, gym, workshop or man cave?

This week has been very busy with new homes signing up. I love this part as we get to see the huge variety of properties around here. I imagine working somewhere like Wimbledon or where house layouts ...
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Beauville +33 (0)5 53 47 92 30
Lauzerte +33 (0)5 63 95 34 09

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