
+33 (0)5 53 47 92 30


+33 (0)5 63 95 34 09


+33 (0)5 53 40 11 34

Garage, gym, workshop or man cave?

Garage, gym, workshop or man cave?

This week has been very busy with new homes signing up. I love this part as we get to see the huge variety of properties around here. I imagine working somewhere like Wimbledon or where house layouts are more or less the same. Down here, there are no two houses the same and I love all the surprises and the historical features still found in houses…original bread ovens, mill workings, hall rooms taking up whole floors, things you never imagine from the outside. Our floorplans are so important for giving a feel as to the flow of a house and the comfort of knowing that rooms are in the logical place.

We’re so lucky, and we get so blasé about the amount of space you get for your money. Home owners use this space in all manner of ways as they indulge in hobbies, create artist studios, convert more bedrooms to host large gathering of friends and family, or just simply spread out and indulge themselves with having a space for everything they want.

Our buyers value the fresh viewpoint on how they could use the space differently, and how easily houses reconfigure to each owner’s needs. One man’s garage is another man’s gym!

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+33 (0)5 53 47 92 30


+33 (0)5 63 95 34 09


+33 (0)5 53 40 11 34


+33 (0)5 53 47 92 30


+33 (0)5 63 95 34 09


+33 (0)5 53 40 11 34



+33 (0)5 53 47 92 30


+33 (0)5 63 95 34 09


+33 (0)5 53 40 11 34

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