The summer months in this part of the south west are when I am reminded daily of how lucky we are to live here. The holiday makers are here and the vibe is happy and relaxed, with lots of events and entertainment. It’s never too busy and seeing visitors appreciate the landscape, fields of sun flowers, local food, wine and our sweet villages make me see it with fresh eyes again. Seeds are planted for future plans for holiday homes or permanent moves and exploring possibilities is all part of the process!
I love the variety of things to do here….you can see a Shakespeare play outdoors in the square in Beauville and Lauzerte by a troupe from the UK and a weekly west-end musical by Beauville Arts, a summer school that runs every summer here, brocantes, tennis club events, secret history tours of villages and community events, open air dinners, rock bands at the night markets and traditional events that are kept alive by the local community both French and international.
Many friendships here have started at the annual boules competition where the teams are drawn from a hat and are made up of pairings of one French, one non-French. It’s one of many events where it’s lovely to see our community in action.